Brand Identity

Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse

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Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse
Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines

Project overview   

Indiaverse is a retail store based in Bahrain selling Indian Artisanal products that are handcrafted.

They needed a brand identity that celebrates the diversity of Indian culture and its rich heritage.

Our Process

It was fun exercise to explore, research and study the history of India of where it all started from. We indentified that if the they tell stories about Indian heritage with a modern twist it would really relate to the contemporary mindset of the customers.

Since their customers where those who had strong sense of their identity, it was necessary to make the experience delightful and memorable as if they are taking a part of India back to their houses.


We had a lot of fun exploring names by diving into popular cultural ideas, history, Indian heritage, and also modern terminologies that people are familiar with.

One of the names we explored was The Indus Alley (like the Diagon Alley in Harry Potter), firstly because India's history goes back to the Indus Valley civilization and secondly, the store is in a narrow alley like Diagon Alley.

Although, Indiaverse seemed to be the best fit since it encapsulated the idea of an alternative universe where everything is Indian.

Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse
Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse

Project results   

Logo Concept

We developed a mark that captures that idea with the wheel or charkha representing the diversity of Indian culture. It also represents the handcrafted yet detailed approach to how the products are made.

Brand Application

The brand was further developed to communicate it's story, personality and voice accross different touchpoints in a cohesive manner.

Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse
Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse
Naming & Brand Identity Design for Indiaverse
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